Learning Resources
Dig into any of the following areas for more information.
Top Content
Training Videos
- Getting started with RiskAssess (for Science staff)
- Student RiskAssess Videos and Quizzes
- RiskAssess for Food Tech: Introduction | Shopping list tools
- Primary RiskAssess
Tips & Tricks
Recorded Presentations
The law
The logic and process of risk assessment
- A detailed explanation of Risk assessment and control of risks, a free 26 page document which is the second chapter in the book "Safety in Schools".
- Inherent level of risk
- School's risk matrix: assessing the severity of risk
General safety
BOOK "Safety in Schools" by Dr Phillip Crisp (login required)
The full 250 page book, Safety in Schools, is available as an eBook for use by staff and students at a school campus with an active subscription to RiskAssess. The book covers many of the major safety issues in schools and is regularly updated. Phillip uses this book as the main learning text for his safety courses. - Routine safety procedures
Chemical safety
- GHS (Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals)
- GHS data for solutions
- GHS labelling of chemicals
- Chemical user codes
- User code key for labels (colour spots)
- Chemical training codes
- Classes of Dangerous Goods
- Packing groups of Dangerous Goods
- Proforma for creating a chemical register for your school as an Excel workbook. You might like to add extra fields and use it also for inventory control.
Biological safety
RiskAssess products
RiskAssess information
- RiskAssess brochure
- About RiskAssess
- Getting Started with RiskAssess (video)
- Sample Risk Assessment with GHS
- Summary of features in RiskAssess
- SuperUser RiskAssess flyer
Student RiskAssess information
Primary RiskAssess information
- Primary RiskAssess Brochure
- About Primary RiskAssess
- Why Assess the Risks of Primary STEM Activities (video)
- Getting Started with Primary RiskAssess (video)
RiskAssess for Food Tech information
Downloadable Templates
Proforma for creating a Chemical Register
Requires Excel. To use:
- Download the Chemical Register template
- Customise each Worksheet tab to suit the chemical storage areas in your school.
- You might also like to add extra fields and use it for inventory control.
Trolley / Tub Tickets for upcoming pracs
Uses Word mail merge to print two pracs per page. Thanks to Merilyn Winslade for this template! To use:
- Download the Trolley Tickets template
- Go to the lab schedule in RiskAssess and click the Download for Excel / CSV button and save the file.
- Open the template, and it will ask you for a Data Source. Choose the file you downloaded from the lab schedule.
- Go to the Mailings section at the top of Word and click Finish & Merge on the right.
If you would like to explain the risk assessment process to others or describe the operation of RiskAssess, Student RiskAssess or Primary RiskAssess, please
- read the chapter on Risk assessment and control of risks
- read the User guide for RiskAssess and/or User guide for Student RiskAssess
- use slides, as you wish, from the following presentations given at recent conferences:
STAWA 2024 Perth, WA
Common Laboratory "Accidents" and How to Avoid Them
Improve Safety and Save Time with RiskAssess
Risk Rodeo 2024, Calgary AB, Canada
Science Lab Dangers and Risk Assessment
STAO 2024, Burlington ON, Canada
ASET 2024, NSW
Dangerous chemicals! How can I use them safely?
RiskAssess latest tips, tricks and new features
CONSTANZ 2024 Cambridge, New Zealand
RiskAssess for New and Experienced Users
Understanding SDSs and GHS Chemical Hazard Information
Safety Training 2024, Western Australia and Northern Territory
Which dangerous chemicals can I use safely? [ Slides ] [ Watch Recording ]
Work Health and Safety Act: Risk assessments made easy [ Slides ] [ Watch Recording ]
CONASTA 2024 Melbourne, VIC
Understanding chemical hazard information
How best to organise and manage student-designed investigations
Canada Schools 2024, AB & BC
Risk assessment of science experiments: introduction to RiskAssess
RiskAssess: new features, tips and tricks
STANSW Leadership in Science 2024, NSW
Safety in Science: risk assessment and RiskAssess
Older presentations
Annual Laboratory Assistants Conference 2023, Hunters Hill, NSW
RiskAssess latest features, tips & tricks
LABCON 2023 Melbourne, VIC
RiskAssess for Experienced Users: latest features, tips and tricks
Safety Training 2023, Western Australia
Chemical safety and lessons from recent laboratory accidents [ Slides ] [ Watch Recording ]
Chemical Waste Disposal in Western Australia [ Slides ] [ Watch Recording ]
ASET 2023, NSW
RiskAssess latest features, tips & tricks
TALM 2023, Tasmania
RiskAssess & Student RiskAssess: Latest features, tips and tricks [ Watch Recording ]
CONASTA 2023 Adelaide, SA
Identifying risks in popular laboratory experiments
CONQEST 2023 Brisbane, QLD
RiskAssess for Experienced Users - latest features, tips and tricks
STANSW 2023 Sydney, NSW
Risks in Primary science investigations and how to minimise them!
CONSTAWA 2023 Perth, WA
Work Health and Safety Act 2020: Do I now have to do risk assessments?
LABCON 2022 Melbourne, VIC
Understanding RiskAssess and using it effectively
Disposal of chemical wastes: RiskAssess advice and lab tricks
ASET 2022 Sydney, NSW
RiskAssess: latest tips, tricks and new features
CONSTANZ 2022 Christchurch, New Zealand
RiskAssess for New and Experienced Users
CONASTA 2022 Canberra, ACT
How best to manage student-designed investigations
Primary STEM: fun examples of safe chemical activities
School laboratory 'accidents': recent injuries and how to prevent more
CONQEST 2022 Gatton, QLD
RiskAssess: Tips, tricks and latest features
Chemical disposal: logic and advice for 3000 chemicals and solutions in RiskAssess
ASET 2022 Booragul, NSW
RiskAssess: new features and latest developments
CET Science Network 2022, TAS
RiskAssess: Introduction, Logic and Latest Features
LABCON 2021 Melbourne, VIC
RiskAssess: latest tips & tricks for new and experienced users [ Slides ] [ Watch Recording ]
Chemical disposal and RiskAssess: advice for 3000 chemicals and solutions [ Slides ] [ Watch Recording ]
Science Technicians Workshop 2020, WA
Chemical waste disposal in Western Australia
Science Technicians Cluster 2020 East Auckland, New Zealand
LABCON 2019 Melbourne, VIC
RiskAssess for New and Experienced Users
CONSTANZ 2019 Wellington, New Zealand
RiskAssess and Chemical Disposal
CONSASTA 2019 Darwin, NT
Why teachers need to do risk assessments: reduce injuries and increase legal protection
Student-led investigations made easier, using Student RiskAssess
ASET 2019 Booragul, NSW
Risk assessment and labelling using RiskAssess
LABCON 2018 Melbourne, VIC
Introduction to RiskAssess for beginners
RiskAssess: tips and tricks for experienced users
AEHSA 2018, Red Deer, AB
Risk assessment of science experiments: introduction to RiskAssess
CONASTA 2018 Sydney, NSW
Mandatory risk assessment of science experiments
CONQEST 2018 Gatton, QLD
Introduction to RiskAssess for beginners
CONQEST 2018 Gatton, QLD
RiskAssess: tips and tricks for experienced users
SLAMN 2017 Sydney, NSW
RiskAssess: GHS labelling of chemicals
LABCON 2017 Melbourne, VIC
Introduction to RiskAssess for beginners!
Easy GHS labelling of chemicals with RiskAssess
CONSTANZ 2017 Whangarai, NZ
Time of change: new safety laws, risk assessments, GHS and labelling in the laboratory
RiskAssess: Improve safety and save time!
ASET 2017 Sydney, NSW
RiskAssess: Easy GHS labelling of chemicals
STAS 2017 Calgary, AB
RiskAssess: new features and GHS labelling for WHMIS 2015
LABCON 2016 Melbourne, VIC
Introduction to RiskAssess for beginners!
LABCON 2016 Melbourne, VIC
Labelling and GHS for experienced RiskAssess users
STAVCON 2016 Melbourne, VIC
CONASTA 2016 Brisbane, QLD
GHS and RiskAssess - new developments
Mandatory risk assessments for Primary School science experiments: let Primary RiskAssess help you!
STANSW 2016 Sydney, NSW
LABCON 2015 Melbourne, VIC
RiskAssess for new and experienced users
Risk assessment and the latest developments in RiskAssess
CONSTANZ 2015 Nelson NZ
Risk assessment of science experiments: the logic and the process
CONASTA 2015 Perth, WA
Why do risk assessments? How can RiskAssess and Student RiskAssess help you?
CEO SYDNEY 2015 Sydney, NSW
Risk assessment of science experiments in Primary Schools
CONASTA 2014 Adelaide, SA
Risk assessment of science experiments: the Law, the Logic and the Australian Curriculum
CONQEST 2014 Brisbane, QLD
RiskAssess: risk assessment and control of risks
ASET 2013 Sydney, NSW
Risk assessment: the logic and the process
LABCON 2013 Melbourne, VIC
Risk assessment: the Law, the Logic and the Labbie
SASTA 2013 Adelaide, SA
Student RiskAssess: an easy way to meet the safety requirements of the new Australian Curriculum