RiskAssess for Food Technology, Food Science and Food Studies
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RiskAssess for Food Tech is a web-based risk assessment tool that makes performing risk assessments quick and easy. It helps you to document and share risk assessments between staff. It also assists with shopping lists, labelling and scheduling.
Specially designed for subjects that incorporate food and cooking, it is ideal for Food Tech, Food Studies, Food Science, Hospitality, Home Economics and Food and Nutrition.
RiskAssess for Food Tech provides a customised risk assessment template and includes over 1,000 food items and more than 600 items of kitchen equipment.
Meet Legal Obligations
It is legally required for all New Zealand schools to conduct risk assessments prior to practicals. RiskAssess provides a convenient and rapid method to meet these obligations in a manner that closely follows the International Organization for Standardization Standard ISO 31000:2018.
More comments...Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate RiskAssess. All the teachers here love it too, even the ones who were reluctant to use it. My life as a lab tech just got so much easier. Your response to feedback is great too.
Karin McKirdy, Laboratory Technician at St. Andrew's Catholic College QLD
Avoid Accidents
Safety and allergy data about food and equipment are stored in RiskAssess. When you choose an item, RiskAssess automatically incorporates up-to-date safety information into the risk assessment. You assess the inherent risks and enter the appropriate control measures. Click the risk assessment on the left to see how this works.
You can click the screenshots below to see them at full size.

Store and Search Recipes
RiskAssess makes it easy to store recipes, search them and update them from year to year. Recipes are shared between all users.
Save Time
RiskAssess provides an electronic template which makes it simple and fast to carry out risk assessments. See the template form on the right for a real life example, and the resulting risk assessment above.
Risk assessments can be easily shared between staff, copied and customised from year to year, saving time and sharing knowledge.
RiskAssess assists communication between teachers and food tech assistants in planning and preparing practicals. RiskAssess includes fields relating to the timetabling of the practical and the items to be prepared.
Shopping Lists
If you click the Calculate from above magic wand button, the shopping list will be automatically filled in based on the Items to be Prepared box. It takes the number of groups into account, and also converts cups and teaspoons into grams and litres. You can also edit the shopping list further or add extra items. You can see this in the screenshot on the right.
The is also a Combined Shopping List that adds up the ingredients needed for all upcoming pracs, to save you time when ordering from the shops. You can click an ingredient to see which pracs require it. It can be calculated for Tomorrow, 1 week, 2 weeks, etc. Click the image below to see the full shopping list.

Prac Bookings and Preparation
When a teacher performs a risk assessment, they simultaneously book the prac and request the food and equipment needed. You can see this in the Scheduling and Items to be prepared sections in the screenshot above.
The food tech assistant can see the bookings on the scheduling page of RiskAssess (see screenshot below), as they are generated. This streamlines workflow.
Scheduling System
RiskAssess saves time with an automatic scheduling system which provides views of future and past practicals. The scheduling system is an efficient way to communicate practical details and risk assessments between teachers and food tech assistants. It removes the need for diaries, booking systems and print outs of practicals. Food tech assistants can enter preparation notes and tick those practicals that are already prepared, as well as set required notice for prac bookings and block out days.
Save Paper and Filing
RiskAssess allows you to store your risk assessments as electronic documents. Risk assessments can be signed electronically and do not need to be printed or filed. You can retrieve your risk assessment using the easy search function or from the scheduling screen.

Using RiskAssess, you can quickly and easily print labels (in four different sizes) for stored food and equipment. On the label, you can include food allergies, equipment notes and even the flammable pictogram for items like hand sanitizer. You can see example labels on the right for flour and hand sanitizer.
Easy to Use
RiskAssess is user-friendly and includes online help. RiskAssess can be used on Windows, Macs, laptops, iPads and smart phones. You can access RiskAssess from home, from school or from any other location which has an internet connection.
We recommend you watch the Getting Started video that shows how to best use RiskAssess.
Tried and Tested
More than 2,700 schools currently subscribe to RiskAssess for Science and over 6,500,000 risk assessments have been performed. RiskAssess for Food Tech uses the same software architecture.
Frequent Updates
RiskAssess is frequently updated to provide new features and safety information. If you find anything missing (eg, an item of food or equipment), you can let us know and we will include it in the next database update. We are also keen to hear your suggestions on how to improve the software. Most new features were suggestions from our users.
The RiskAssess Team
The RiskAssess team includes a safety and risk assessment expert, an experienced software developer, a teacher and an editor/database manager. Find out more about the RiskAssess team.
A RiskAssess for Food Tech subscription costs $350 (+GST) per campus per year. It includes all upgrades during your subscription period.